While there are many different types of depressive orders, recurrent depressive disorder is marked by having multiple episodes of depression with periods between episodes where no symptoms are present.
While there are many different types of depressive orders, recurrent depressive disorder is marked by having multiple episodes of depression with periods between episodes where no symptoms are present.
Despite your best intentions, you can’t force your partner into recovery. You can, however, encourage them to get help and assist with finding resources.
While most people experience occasional feelings of anxiety or depression, untreated chronic depression or an anxiety disorder can have severe consequences, including suicide.
Don’t hesitate to start a conversation with your loved one about your concern over their alcohol use. With your help, your loved one may agree to seek treatment.
There are some proactive steps one can take to reduce the likelihood of overindulging in alcohol. Check out these five tips to stop binge drinking.
Today, we’ll answer questions on what kratom is, how it’s used, if it’s addictive, and a few other important topics you should know.